Many years ago I wrote a book on the Pagan Family. It got published, went out of print, and has only recently returned to print in a new, quite changed, edition.. This was the beginning of a project to cover all the bases. First a book for the family, then a book for the individual, and a book for small groups. The book for individuals became A Book of Pagan Prayer (and its sequels A Pagan Ritual Prayer Book and The Big Book of Pagan Prayer and Ritual). The book for small groups became Back to the Beginnings. After a number of convolutions, it has now finally seen print. You can buy it from me here for $20.00, preferably via PayPal, with free shipping (and signed, of course).
Here are a few sample chapters to try to convince you that that's a good idea. Or you could just take my word for it. Trust me, I wouldn't lie to you.
The Goddess and God
Sacred Space (Excerpt)