It may be a bit of a surprise to hear that the deity to whom I am the most devoted isn't Indo-European at all, but Thelemic. When I was in college I was very interested in the writings of Aleister Crowley. What spoke to me the most was the goddess Nuit, the Star Goddess, the Goddess of the Void, the Goddess of the Space Within Which All Is, the Goddess ... -- well, you get the idea. If you don't, my poems to her should help.
Here are some relevant links:
The Book of the Law (Liber AL)The holiest book of Crowley's system of magic. The first chapter is a revelation by Nuit.
XXXI Hymns to the Star Goddess Who is Not - Devotional poems by Frater Achad. I'm not very impressed by these; far too much of them consists of quotations from Liber AL. You may like them, though, so I recommend reading them to see what you think.
Images of Nuit
The Law of Liberty - A commentary on the Book of the Law. Section II is on Nuit.