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Land Spirits Ritual

Find a place in the wild, especially one with an impressive tree or stone. Put two bowls down by the tree or stone. Into the left one pour milk, and into the right one, corn meal. Draw a counter-clockwise circle around the two bowls, saying:

May the border between the worlds dissolve in this place.

Step back at least three paces. Say:

Spirits of the wild, look what I have for you:
offerings of corn and milk.
Come to me to receive them
Come to the gentle sound of the drum.

Drum softly, with eyes open or closed as you wish. If you practice shamanic travel, this is a good time for it, to meet with the land spirits in the other realm.

When your visit is done, stop the drumming and go to the bowls. Pour out the offerings onto the ground. Draw a clockwise circle around the spot where the bowls have been, and say:

May the border between the worlds be once more established.

Pick up the bowls and leave.